Parking lot Paving Richmond
From weather conditions to oil leaks, over time parking lots experience significant wear and tear and need to be repaved from time to time. It is important to maintain your parking lot’s appearance, as well as ensure a smooth drive for possible clients coming in or exiting the lot, as repaving can help avoid the formation of potholes.
Kent companies parking lot paving services include:
- Resurfacing - The process of adding a fresh layer of asphalt on top of the pavement that already exists. It is usually best to do this when the surface of the road has become heavily oxidized, but the core of it is still intact. Signs of oxidation on the surface include the dark black asphalt turning light gray over time.
- Milling - The practice of partially or completely removing the surface of a paved area, such as roads and parking lots. This can be a method of leveling and smoothing out a paved area and is most often used in roadwork as a way to recycle old asphalt for use in a newer mixture to be laid down. For residential and commercial purposes, it is essentially how a contractor would remove a layer or more of asphalt pavement in order to repave or resurface it.
- Paving - involves putting down entirely new asphalt pavement or replacing some that has been entirely removed after a full-scale milling.
Revitalize your parking surfaces by hiring experts from Kent. Contact us at 540-321-4753 for any inquiries on parking lot paving and other grading, paving, and excavation services.